Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme
We all know these are herbs and those that know it will be singing it !
Meaning of song
The lyrics of Scarborough Fair puts forward the concept of unrequited love. The yearning is felt throughout the song, creating a perfect medieval love story in the process. A young man delegates certain impossible tasks to his lover with the condition that she would have to finish those to be able to come back to him.
What I want to chat about though is Rosemary. It has such a fantastic history, with such symbolic meaning and has many medicinal uses.
Rosemary has always been associated with memory, the ancient Greeks believed it to be a memory aid and because of this students would wear a small piece in their hair, so its no surprise it has been used for remembrance symbolism.
Folklore has associated it with remembrance and used it for many linctures and herbal drinks to aid and stimulate the mind. ( Plants so often used for stimulation)
Medicinal use :The first British record of rosemary as a medicinal herb dates back to the ninth century, where it was used in remedies to treat fever and toothaches, and was later used in the 16th century to treat gout, lost of appetite, coughs, to prevent bad dreams, and even as a toothpaste.
The Victorians 'language of flowers' associated it with rememberance, loyalty, friendship and fedelity. It was often used in wreaths at funerals to remember our loved and lost ones, and for its other attributes brides would carry a piece on their wedding day dipped in scented water. Wealthier families would dip in silver and give to guests at weddings as favours. Weddings today finds us using fresh rosemary tied with twine with a brown card tag as place settings. So all that has changed is styles rather than ingredients which I find so perfectly charming.
WE use lots of herbs in weddings held in historical buildings because it makes total sense. If our couples are excited by the venue and all its stands for then we hope to excite them by using florals that also reflect the sentiment.
With the use of more and more british ingredients we will be using lots more herbs in our gift bouquets. How 'Blooming Perfect'
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