I can buy myself flowers I can dance in the rain
An ancient chinese proverb
If you have two pennies, spend one on bread and the other on a flower. The bread will sustain life. The flower will give you reason to live.
Flesh and spirit !
In a world full of so many problems, we cant solve them all,we are unable to reach out to many, but we can heal our own souls
This is not or may not be a literal statement, it is indeed a proverb, therefore it is more metaphoric but for some the fundamentals of life are this simple. Give me bread and give me a flower !
So much of our lives are embroidered by florals and botanicals. Even the simplest of things are named to give the enrichment of flower power (think bedroom paint) and on the other hand our expert culinary genius's emblazen food with petals and skillfully placed tendils for us to enjoy the visual feast, enticing us with our senses before our taste buds even have a chance to savour them.
Even choosing a name for a flower shop has changed over the years, we hear much more organic, rustic sounding names, double barrelled for emphasis on the florals. The culture we are, we buy into this romanticism. ( We bought our shop already named, what would we have called it ?)
For us, this proverb means the shop and our beloved customers, WE LOVE FLOWERS. We love their form, their colour, their scent and also how good they can make us feel on the dullest of days. Not only are they our livelyhood, they are our lives.
With our blog we are going to bring you some ideas for bringing the outdoors inside, some myths busted!, some mindfulness and lots of other things to enjoy.
As has been said before, if you enjoy us, spread the word, if not, let us know how we can make it better.
To do
Choose a flower everyday to sybolise how you are feeling. Ask yourself why its the flower you have chosen, and embrace it.
( Today Matthew I am going to be a daffodil. One of many but still bright and sunny!)
reference "Matthew" if you know you know
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